Weekly Voc. Week 35 Question Preview (ID: 50641)

Week 35. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What word means to gently tap or push?
a) sprawl
b) misfortune
c) nudge
d) pity

What word means to sit or lie flat with arms and legs spread out?
a) pity
b) authority
c) nudge
d) sprawl

What word means a bad or unlucky event or condition?
a) pity
b) authority
c) misfortune
d) sprawl

What word means a person or group of people that direct what others can or cannot do?
a) authority
b) pity
c) misfortune
d) sprawl

What word means to feel sorry for someone?
a) misfortune
b) pity
c) sprawl
d) authority

What word completes the following sentence? The judge had the _______ to send the thief to jail
a) authority
b) sprawl
c) pity
d) nudge

What word completes the following sentence? I feel ______ for those that are by themselves and have nobody to take care of them.
a) misfortune
b) sprawl
c) pity
d) authority

What word completes the following sentence? I had to _______ my dog to get off the sofa.
a) nudge
b) sprawl
c) misfortune
d) pity

What word completes the following sentence? During a sleepover, we all like to _________ out to watch movies.
a) pity
b) sprawl
c) authority
d) misfortune

What word completes the following sentence? It was ________ that we lost the game.
a) pity
b) sprawl
c) misfortunate
d) authority

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