Weekly Voc. Week 27 Question Preview (ID: 50621)

Week 27. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What word means a word used to join other words or group of words?
a) array
b) compile
c) memorable
d) conjunction

What word means going beyond all standards of what is right or true; ridiculous, foolish?
a) array
b) outrageous
c) compile
d) conjunction

What word means a group of objects organized in rows and columns?
a) compile
b) array
c) outrageous
d) memorable

What word means worth remembering; easy to remember?
a) memorable
b) array
c) outrageous
d) conjunction

What word means to collect and organize information?
a) array
b) outrageous
c) compile
d) conjunction

What word completes the sentence? It was a ________ experience and one I will never forget.
a) array
b) conjunction
c) memorable
d) outrageous

What word completes the sentence? A box of chocolates is organized in an _________.
a) compile
b) conjunction
c) outrageous
d) array

What word completes the sentence? Sally used a ______to combine her sentences.
a) compile
b) outrageous
c) conjunction
d) array

What word completes the sentence? We had to _______ a list of names and addresses for my party.
a) outrageous
b) memorable
c) array
d) compile

What word completes the sentence? His story about his adventure was ________.
a) outrageous
b) array
c) compile
d) conjunction

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