Genetic Vocabulary (introduction) Question Preview (ID: 50618)

Genetics Vocabulary Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who is the father of genetics?
a) Gregor Mendel
b) Watson and Crick
c) Isaac Newton
d) Barbara McClintock

What is a sex cell called?
a) egg
b) gamete
c) sperm
d) offspring

What is the female gamete?
a) sperm
b) ovaries
c) egg
d) testes

What happens when gametes join?
a) chromosomes
b) offspring
c) fertilization
d) genes

Where do chromosomes come from?
a) mother
b) father
c) mother and father
d) siblings

How many chromosomes are in a human cell?
a) 23 pairs
b) 46 pairs
c) 35 pairs
d) 49

What is deoxyribonucleic acid?
a) RNA
b) DNA
c) AND
d) NRA

What are the sex chromosomes for a female?
a) XY
b) XX
c) YX
d) XXY

Dominant traits are written with a...
a) lowercase letter
b) cursive letter
c) capital letter
d) double letter

What was Gregor Mendels profession?
a) he was a farmer
b) he was a scientist
c) he was a geneticist
d) he was a monk

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