Weekly Voc. Week 11 Question Preview (ID: 50593)

Week 11. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What word means the words that describe a photograph or illustration?
a) bold
b) diagram
c) title
d) caption

What word means standing out, easily noticed?
a) italics
b) title
c) bold
d) caption

What word means a drawing that helps explain something?
a) caption
b) diagram
c) italics
d) title

What word means a type style in which the letters slant to the right?
a) italics
b) bold
c) caption
d) title

What word means the name of something such as a book, song, movie, or other work?
a) italics
b) diagram
c) caption
d) title

What word completes the following sentence? I could tell from the ______ of the book that I would probably enjoy it.
a) italics
b) bold
c) title
d) caption

What word completes the following sentence? I used the ______ of the butterfly to help me locate its body parts.
a) caption
b) italics
c) diagram
d) bold

What word completes the following sentence? The word in _______ was the evidence I needed to answer the question.
a) bold
b) caption
c) title
d) diagram

What word completes the following sentence? I wrote a ________ for each picture I drew in my story.
a) bold
b) italics
c) title
d) caption

What word completes the following sentence? The pronunciation of the word was in __________.
a) italics
b) caption
c) title
d) diagram

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