Soil Conservation Methods Question Preview (ID: 50588)

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Which conservation method would be described as creating a row of trees in the middle of a field to break up the air moving?
a) windbreaks
b) conservation tillage
c) terracing
d) contour plowing

Choose the option that is NOT good for soil
a) Ice wedging
b) Contour plowing
c) Crop rotation
d) Terracing

No-tillage (conservation tillage) improves the quality of soil because:
a) Soil is not loosened so less erosion takes place
b) Different plants require different nutrients
c) It prevents pesticides from affecting crops
d) Humans mess with natural processes

All of the following are ways to maintain soil quality and conservation EXCEPT:
a) Use of synthetic fertilizers
b) Crop rotation
c) Terraced farming
d) Reduced tillage

What is terracing?
a) Carving flat pieces of land on a hill or mountain, like steps, to plant crops
b) Adding a line of trees in your field to help with the wind
c) Alternating what crops you plant in the same field
d) Cutting down on the number of times you plow or till a field

What is contour planting?
a) Planting with the lay or shape of the land
b) Planting on steps on the side of a hill/mountain
c) Planting trees in the middle of fields
d) Planting different crops each season to replenish nutrients

What does it mean to create windbreaks?
a) Plant rows of trees in fields to block the wind
b) Plant on steps on the side of a hill/mountain
c) Plow with the lay of the land
d) Plant different crops to help replenish nutrients.

Crop rotation improves the quality of soil because:
a) Different plants require different nutrients
b) Weeds and vegetation are allowed to grow
c) Humans mess with natural processes
d) It prevents pesticides from affecting crops

A major causes of soil erosion and degradation is:
a) all of the above
b) poor farming techniques
c) off-road vehicles
d) overgrazing by livestock

A major harmful effect of soil erosion is:
a) loss of soil fertility
b) increase in soil water content
c) improved aeration of the soil
d) additional topsoil

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