Weekly Voc. Week 9 Question Preview (ID: 50584)

Week 9. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What Vocabulary word means to say what is going to happen in the future, often based on observation or experience to say what is going to happen in the future, often based on observation or experience?
a) fascinating
b) predict
c) cooperate
d) establish

What Vocabulary word means very interesting?
a) hilarious
b) predict
c) fascinating
d) cooperate

What Vocabulary word means to work together to get something done; to do what is asked?
a) hilarious
b) fascinating
c) cooperate
d) predict

What Vocabulary word means to set up or start something, such as a system, organization, or government?
a) cooperate
b) establish
c) hilarious
d) predict

What Vocabulary word means extremely funny?
a) establish
b) cooperate
c) hilarious
d) predict

What Vocabulary word completes the sentence? My teacher and class had to _________ our class rules on the first day of school.
a) cooperate
b) predict
c) establish
d) hilarious

What Vocabulary word completes the sentence? If we all ________ and get the house cleaned then we get to go to the lake for the afternoon.
a) establish
b) fascinating
c) hilarious
d) cooperate

What Vocabulary word completes the sentence? Watching a dog care for its litter of puppies is _________.
a) hilarious
b) cooperate
c) establish
d) fascinating

What Vocabulary word completes the sentence? I _______ we will have two snow days this year.
a) predict
b) hilarious
c) fascinating
d) establish

What Vocabulary word completes the sentence? It was ________ watching my teacher try and juggle.
a) fascinating
b) hilarious
c) cooperate
d) establish

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