Weekly Voc. Week 7 Question Preview (ID: 50580)

Week 7. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What word means when the problem in the story is resolved?
a) dialogue
b) resolution
c) theme
d) first person point of view

What word means a conversation between two or more characters in a book, play, movie, or story?
a) resolution
b) first person point of view
c) second person point of view
d) dialogue

What word means the main idea or topic of a story?
a) resolution
b) theme
c) dialogue
d) third person point of view

What word means the story being told by the main character (I, we)?
a) third person point of view
b) first person point of view
c) theme
d) resolution

What word means the narrator tells us what is happening in the story?
a) third person point of view
b) first person point of view
c) theme
d) dialogue

What word completes the sentence? My mom told my brother and me to figure out a ____________ to our problem.
a) theme
b) dialogue
c) resolution
d) third person point of view

What word completes the sentence? The main idea or ________ of the story was to teach us about sharks.
a) theme
b) third person point of view
c) first person point of view
d) dialogue

What word completes the sentence? I wrote a story about my trip to the zoo; therefore, the story was written in ________.
a) third person point of view
b) first person point of view
c) dialogue
d) theme

What word completes the sentence? The narrator told the story in _________.
a) third person point of view
b) first person point of view
c) dialogue
d) theme

What word completes the sentence? The ________ between the characters was very friendly.
a) third person point of view
b) first person point of view
c) dialogue
d) theme

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