Vergil Aeneid I.157-179 Question Preview (ID: 50559)

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Defessi Aeneadae, quae proxima litora, cursu contendunt petere - The Trojans head towards Italy.
a) True
b) False

Est in secessu longo locus: insula portum efficit obiectu laterum, -- insula is
a) nominative singular
b) accusative plural
c) nominative plural
d) ablative singular

quibus omnis ab alto frangitur inque sinus scindit sese unda reductos. -- sese refers to
a) alto
b) sinus
c) omnis
d) unda

Hinc atque hinc vastae rupes geminique minantur in caelum scopuli - translates as
a) Here and there vast cliffs and twin rocks tower into the sky
b) Here and there vast twin cliffs tower into the sky from a rock
c) Here and there vast cliffs and twin rocks are raised into the sky
d) Here and there vast cliffs and twin rocks tower into the sky of the cliff

quorum sub vertice late aequora tuta silent; the subject of silent is
a) quorum
b) vertice
c) aequora
d) tuta

tum silvis scaena coruscis desuper -- scaena is
a) nominative singular
b) accusative plural
c) nominative plural
d) ablative singular

horrentique atrum nemus imminet umbra. -- this line shows the stylistic device of
a) chiasmus
b) synchysis
c) anaphora
d) simile

Fronte sub adversa scopulis pendentibus antrum, intus aquae dulces vivoque sedilia saxo,-- describes a cave opening
a) True
b) False

hic fessas non vincula naves ulla tenent -- this line shows the stylistic device of
a) anastrophe
b) transferred epithet
c) simile
d) hendiadys

unco non alligat ancora morsu. -- translates as
a) The curved anchors bind with a bite
b) No anchors are bound with a curved bite
c) No curved anchors are bound with a bite
d) No anchor binds with a curved bite

Huc septem Aeneas collectis navibus omni ex numero subit - collectis is in an ablative
a) of means
b) of separation
c) absolute
d) special verb

ac magno telluris amore egressi optata potiuntur Troes harena, -- tells us that the Trojans are upset about reaching dry land
a) True
b) False

et sale tabentis artus in litore ponunt. - translates as
a) And they place limbs drenched with salt on the shore
b) And limbs drenched with salt are placed on the shore
c) And their salt drenching limbs are placed on the shore
d) And the limbs are drenched with salt, having been placed on the shore

Ac primum silici scintillam excudit Achates, silici is ablative.
a) True
b) False

succepitque ignem foliis, atque arida circum nutrimenta dedit -- this line shows the stylistic device of
a) metaphor
b) transferred epithet
c) tmesis
d) anastrophe

rapuitque in fomite flammam. - Achates is starting a fire
a) True
b) False

Tum Cererem corruptam undis Cerealiaque arma - the first four feet scan as
a) dactyl-dactly-spondee-dactyl
b) spondee-spondee-spondee-spondee
c) dactyl-spondee-spondee-dactyl
d) dactyl-spondee-dactyl-spondee

expediunt fessi rerum - fessi refers to the Trojans
a) True
b) False

frugesque receptas et torrere parant flammis et frangere saxo . -- The Trojans are preparing to fight
a) True
b) False

Later in Book I, Aeneas will learn about the ruler of this land from
a) Minerva
b) Diana
c) Juturna
d) Venus

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