APUSH Question Preview (ID: 50511)

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The concept that individuals who made large sums of money should become philanthropists and spend their money on behalf of others is the main message of
a) William Jennings Bryan's Cross of Gold oration
b) Andrew Carnegie's Gospel of Wealth address
c) Horatio Alger's Rags to Riches stories
d) Walter Rauschenbush's Social Gospel theory

All of the following authors are correctly paired with one of their works EXCEPT
a) Ernest Hemingway - A Farewell to Arms
b) John Steinbeck - The Grapes of Wrath
c) Langston Hughes - The Great Gatsby
d) Sinclair Lewis - Main Street

The Great Depression threatened the survival of the U.S. capitalist, free-enterprise system because
a) There was no market for apples sold on street corners
b) Business leaders moved their headquarters overseas
c) Chinese products flooded the U.S. market
d) Industry could not provide enough jobs for the unemployed

The most significan difference between the Pilgrims and the Puritans is the Pilgrims
a) Arrived in New England first
b) Obtained a grant of settlement fromt he London Company
c) Held more radical ideas for reforming the Church of England
d) Celebrated the first Thanksgiving

Washington Irving is remembered as one of the first important writers of the newly established United States for his work
a) Common Sense
b) Poor Richard's Almanac
c) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
d) An American Scholar

The National Labor Union, after winning the 8 hour day for government workers, disintegrated because of
a) The depression of the early 1870s
b) A Supreme Court ruling outlawing unions
c) The rise of the Knights of Labor
d) The failure to admit African Americans

The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair, recounts the story of
a) Theodore Roosevelt's adventures in big game hunting in Africa
b) Life in the competitive electric industry
c) Growing up on an Indian reservation
d) Corruption in the Meat Packing industry

The U.S.'s policy toward the Native American changed dramatically with the passage in 1887 of the Dawes Act, which
a) Forbade selling alcohol or guns on reservations
b) Treated tribes as independent nations
c) Wiped out tribal ownership of property and granted 160 acres to heads of families
d) Established new and larger reservations for all tribes

Each of the following men is correctly paired with an item linked with his name EXCEPT
a) Joseph Pulitzer - New York World
b) Louis H. Sullivan - Skyscrapers
c) Bret Harte - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
d) Buffalo Bill Cody - Wild West Show

Which of the following applies to the 1920s in the U.S.?
a) All people shared in the econmic prosperity
b) Prices for farm produce grew steadily
c) There wer no indications an econoic collapsemight occur
d) Speculation was widespread among investors

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