Pitch Question Preview (ID: 50485)

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It is the loudness or softness of sound.
a) pitch
b) volume
c) mufflers
d) decibel meter

It is the highness or lowness of sound.
a) pitch
b) volume
c) mufflers
d) decibel meter

Thinner strings or wires vibrate slower than thicker ones.
a) false
b) sometimes
c) maybe
d) true

Tension refers to how tightly the string is stretched.
a) false
b) sometimes
c) maybe
d) true

Shorter strings have high-pitched sound while longer strings have low-pitched sound.
a) false
b) sometimes
c) maybe
d) true

Drum is a ____________ instrument.
a) string
b) wind
c) percussion
d) brass

Paul John prepared 8 bottles of the same size and shape. He filled the bottles with different amounts of liquid. He gently blew across the top of each bottle and observed carefully the sound each bottle produced. Which statement is true about pitch?
a) The more air in the bottle, the more water there is and the higher the pitch.
b) The longer the column of air the slower the vibrations and the higher the pitch.
c) The lower the level of water, the longer the column of air the higher the pitch.
d) The more water there is in the bottle, the less air there is and the higher the pitch.

Why do you need to use the same size and shape of bottles to tell the sound?
a) to be unique in handling variables
b) to be creative in doing his experiment
c) to make it a fair test in testing the sound
d) to see the beauty of the materials as he do the experiment

It shakes very quickly backwards and forwards.
a) source
b) muffle
c) pitch
d) vibrate

Which statement is false?
a) You play a guitar by plucking the string.
b) Sound travels best in solid.
c) You need fast vibrations to produce high-pitched sound.
d) Blow gently the french horn to get louder sound.

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