Spelling Practice New Word List Question Preview (ID: 50464)

Spelling Online Learning. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Choose the correct spelling;
a) lye
b) lie
c) liie
d) lyye

Please choose the correct spelling.
a) pie
b) pye
c) pii
d) pi

Choose the correct spelling
a) tie
b) tye
c) tii
d) tyye

Please choose the correct spelling.
a) rain
b) rane
c) rin
d) rayne

Please choose the correct spelling.
a) trayn
b) train
c) traine
d) trayne

Please choose the correct spelling.
a) Fridai
b) Fridy
c) Friday
d) fryday

Please choose the correct spelling.
a) srpy
b) sprae
c) spray
d) sprey

Please choose the correct spelling.
a) paint
b) paynt
c) paynet
d) paiint

Please choose the correct spelling.
a) mayle
b) mail
c) malee
d) maal

Please choose the correct spelling.
a) put
b) puut
c) pitt
d) pute

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