World War II Quiz Question Preview (ID: 50432)
A Quiz To Test Your Knowledge On World War II!
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Who was the leader of the United Kingdom for most of World War II?
a) Joseph Stalin
b) Adolf Hitler
c) Winston Churchill
d) Neville Chamberlain
Which country was led by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party?
a) Italy
b) Germany
c) Soviet Union
d) The United States
When did World War II start?
a) 1939
b) 1945
c) 2010
d) 1984
When did World War II end?
a) 1901
b) 1939
c) 1966
d) 1945
What was the almost year-long air raids on London and other British cities called?
a) The Axis
b) The Blitz
c) Anderson Shelter
d) D-Day
What was the collective name of these countries: UK, USA, France, Soviet Union?
a) The Allies
b) The Alrights
c) The Axis
d) The Animals
What was the first year of World War II also known as due to no fighting taking place?
a) The Fake War
b) The Quiet War
c) The Phony War
d) The Empty War
Which country started World War II with the Axis Powers but changed to join the Allies?
a) Spain
b) Italy
c) China
d) Soviet Union
What happened to children in large cities in the UK?
a) More school
b) Joined the army
c) A long holiday
d) Evacuated
What was the limiting of food and clothes known as?
a) Sharing
b) Rationing
c) Limiting
d) No name
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