Chemistry- At Home Review Question Preview (ID: 50409)

Review Of Matter, Gases, Periodic Table, Bonding, And Chemical Reactions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What state of matter consists of closely packed particles that vibrate in place?
a) gas
b) liquid
c) plasma
d) solid

Two or more elements chemically combined
a) element
b) compound
c) mixture
d) solution

What is the density of a block that has a mass of 10 grams and a volume of 5 mL?
a) 20 g/mL
b) 2 g/mL
c) 50 g/mL
d) 0.5 g/mL

When balancing chemical reactions, how do the number of atoms in the reactants compare to the products?
a) They are equal
b) more atoms in the products
c) more atoms in the reactants
d) some atoms disappear to make products

Most elements on the periodic table are classified as _______, which are generally hard, shiny, and good conductors of electricity.
a) metals
b) nonmetals
c) metalloids
d) gases

The center of the atom, called the nucleus, contains...
a) protons, neutrons, and electrons.
b) protons and neutrons.
c) protons and electrons.
d) neutrons and electrons.

Every element on the periodic table has a different number of _______, which are the positively charged particles of the nucleus.
a) neutrons
b) electrons
c) positrons
d) protons

What is the mass of the most common isotope of carbon, C-12?
a) 12
b) 13
c) 7
d) 6

The electrons located in the outermost shell of an atom are called _______ electrons. These are responsible for bonding.
a) outtie
b) nuclear
c) valence
d) shared

As the the number of protons in an atom INCREASES, the radius of the atom __________, because of the increased coulombic attraction between protons and electrons.
a) decreases
b) increases
c) stays the same
d) quadruples

Compounds made of metals and nonmetals, such as NaCl, are called ________ compounds.
a) interesting
b) metallic
c) covalent
d) ionic

What is the charge of an ion that has 10 protons and has lost 2 electrons?
a) +2
b) -2
c) 8
d) 12

How many valence electrons do most atoms need in order to become stable?
a) 10
b) 8
c) 2
d) 6

What is the formula for magnesium oxide (Mg+2 and O-2)?
a) Mg2O2
b) OMg
c) MgO
d) Mg2O4

What type of bond forms when two nonmetal atoms share valence electrons?
a) covalent
b) ionic
c) friendly
d) unstable

What is the charge of a proton and an electron?
a) Proton = positive, electron = neutral
b) proton= positive, electron = negative
c) proton = negative, electron = positive
d) proton = neutral, electron = positive

When the volume of a gas decreases, the pressure _____
a) duplicates
b) stays the same
c) decreases
d) increases

Water has many unique properties, including the property of cohesion. This means that water molecules can stick together to form droplets. Why does this happen?
a) Water is polar and has strong intermolecular forces.
b) Water is nonpolar and has strong intermolecular forces.
c) Water is polar and has weak intermolecular forces.
d) Water is nonpolar and has weak intermolecular forces.

Grass stains do not easily dissolve from clothing with water alone. Instead, you must use detergents or stain removers. Why won't these stains dissolve in water?
a) Grass stains are made of polar molecules.
b) Grass stains are made of nonpolar molecules.
c) Grass stains are made of sticky molecules.
d) Grass stains are made of tiny molecules.

As the temperature of a gas increases, the pressure increases because...
a) particles move faster and make more collisions with the contains
b) particles move faster and make less collisions with the contains
c) particles move slower and make more collisions with the contains
d) particles move slower and make more collisions with the container

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