Electricity Question Preview (ID: 50406)

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What is the name of a material that lets electricity pass through it?
a) conductor
b) insulator
c) appliance
d) variable

What is the name of a material that does not let electricity pass through it?
a) conductor
b) insulator
c) appliance
d) variable

Which of the following materials is an electrical conductor?
a) Silver
b) Water
c) Cork
d) Wood

Which of the following materials is an electrical insulator?
a) aluminium
b) gold
c) rubber
d) copper

What is another name for a battery?
a) electrical hold
b) variable
c) cell
d) appliance

Why is electrical wiring usually covered with a layer of plastic?
a) To make it look pretty
b) To help electricty flow along the wire
c) Because it is cheap
d) To make it safe

Which is not a renewable energy source?
a) wind turbine
b) solar
c) hydroelectricity
d) coal

Which is not a conductor of electricity?
a) Copper
b) Chalk
c) Water
d) Silver

A fossil fuel is...
a) a brand of watches
b) an upset dinosaur
c) renewable enery
d) non-renewable energy

Electricity is measured in...
a) amps
b) litres
c) coins
d) meters

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