Animal Trivia Question Preview (ID: 50404)

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what kind of animal has ears ?
a) lizard
b) snake
c) cat
d) fish

What kind of animal has no legs?
a) horse
b) whale
c) wolf
d) lion

What kind of animal has a beak?
a) shark
b) cow
c) duck
d) bee

what kind of animal has spots?
a) leopard
b) tiger
c) lion
d) polar bear

what kind of animal can climb trees?
a) squirrel
b) rhino
c) dolphin
d) horse

what kind of animal has wings?
a) eagle
b) dophin
c) monkey
d) elephant

which of these animals is the largest?
a) chickadee
b) butterfly
c) hippo
d) rabbit

which of these animals have fur?
a) parrot
b) lizard
c) turtle
d) fox

what kind of insect is red and has black spots?
a) bee
b) ladybug
c) beetle
d) june bug

Which of these animals is mostly white?
a) kangaroo
b) arctic fox
c) penguin
d) dophin

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