Freak The Mighty Question Preview (ID: 50379)

Vocabulary Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does invincible mean
a) someone under the age of eighteen
b) kick out
c) unbeatable
d) white

What does remarkable mean
a) white
b) force open
c) language
d) special

What does hunker mean
a) squat down
b) language
c) responsibility, duty
d) anger

What does pry mean
a) woman
b) force open
c) over there
d) swollen

What does damsel mean
a) black fossil fuel
b) woman
c) stallion, horse
d) drink

What does h2o mean
a) water
b) television
c) sit down
d) over there

What does illiterate
a) language
b) mechanical bird
c) uneducated
d) kick out

What does steed mean
a) woman
b) duty
c) small person
d) stallion, horse

What does tale mean
a) kill
b) story
c) sit around
d) empty

What does ruckus mean
a) basement
b) language
c) commotion, uproar
d) over there

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