MYP 2 - First Test Question Preview (ID: 50328)

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What is the CORRECT answer for the question 'What is your mother like?'
a) She likes drama movies. I think her favorite one is Titanic.
b) My mother is very beautiful. She is tall and has black hair.
c) My mom is optimistic and very intelligent. She is also very kind.
d) My mom likes Sertanejo.

What is not a way to disagree politely?
a) You are wrong.
b) That's ok, but...
c) I understand, but you should consider that...
d) I see your point, but...

Considering the order of adjective, choose the correct sentence:
a) A little French square cup.
b) There were some terrible black wooden toys in the box.
c) I've got some delicious tiny rectangular Swiss chocolate.
d) OMG! There are many brown large cockroaches here!

What is the indirect question for 'What time does the class start?'
a) Do you know what time the class starts?
b) Do you know what time does the class start?
c) What time is the class?
d) What time the class starts?

What sentence expresses certainty about the future?
a) Next year I'll travel to New Zealand to study..
b) I will open this door now.
c) I am going to plan my vacation at the agency.
d) I am going to write a letter to the uni.

What sentence expresses uncertainty about the future?
a) I won't buy a house in the near years.
b) I will try new recipes tomorrow.
c) I am not going to buy a house in the near years.
d) My sister will have a new baby.

What does Silvia look like?
a) She is pretty and short. Her eyes are brown and round. She has a straight brown hair.
b) She is intelligent.
c) Silvia likes horror movies.
d) Silvie is optimistic.

What have you been doing?
a) I have watched series.
b) I have been watched series.
c) I watched series.
d) I have been watching series.

What is the weather like today?
a) Today is sunny and warm.
b) Today is Tuesday.
c) It's 2pm.
d) It's Wednesday.

What is the correct order of adjectives in a sentence?
a) Determiner+Size+Opinion+Shape+Age+Color+Origin+Material+Purpose
b) Determiner+Opinion+Size+Shape+Age+Color+Origin+Material+Purpose
c) Determiner+Opinion+Size+Shape+Color+Age+Origin+Material+Purpose
d) Determiner+Opinion+Size+Shape+Age+Color+Origin+Purpose+Material

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