Injuries In Sport Question Preview (ID: 50326)

Complete The Following Questions. On A Separate Word File, Write The Questions And Correct Answers. This Is What You Will Submit To Canvas. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following is NOT a major risk factor of injury in youth sport
a) Prior injury
b) Proceeding too quickly through physical training progressions
c) Inappropriate diet
d) Improper technique

What type of overuse injury occurs when there is inflammation in the area of the growing bone where the tendon attaches?
a) apophysis
b) stress fracture
c) Osgood-Schlatter disease
d) apophysitis

What type of connective tissue connects bones to other bones?
a) Ligagements
b) Tendons
c) Muscles
d) None of these

Which of the following is true?
a) There has been an increase in catastrophic injuries (i.e. ACL tears concussions)
b) Children are particularly vulnerable to head injuries
c) There are an increasing number of injuries in YS that could be prevented
d) All are correct

Which of the following is NOT a sport environmental risk factor for overuse injuries?
a) lack of recovery or rest periods
b) perfectionistic or obsessive personality
c) excessive repetition and training volume
d) accelerated physical training progression

What part of the bone is injured when a youth athlete injures a growth plate?
a) metaphysis
b) physis
c) diaphysis
d) epiphysis

What type of physeal injury is the most common, including a separation of the physis as well as a fracture out into the metaphysis of the bone?
a) Type I
b) Type II
c) Type III
d) Type IV

Which of the following are reasons why many females are at a greater risk than males of ACL (knee ligament) injuries?
a) greater knee valgus (knock-kneed position)
b) wider Q angle
c) narrower intercondylar notch
d) All are correct

An overuse injury that cause inflammation on the medial side of the elbow is commonly known as ___.
a) Little league elbow
b) Osgood-Schlatter Disease
c) Sever's Disease
d) Funny bone elbow

Overuse injuries are caused by ___.
a) Environmental factors
b) Athlete factors
c) Outsider perspectives
d) Athlete environmental factors

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