Geology Question Preview (ID: 50313)

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the outermost layer of rock of which a planet consists
a) earthquake
b) erosion
c) crust
d) volcano

rigid piece of the earth‘s lithosphere and that makes up part of the earth‘s surface
a) plate
b) volcano
c) erosion
d) crust

To separate or to divide
a) to drift apart
b) to collide
c) mountain range
d) volcano

to crash
a) to collide
b) mountain range
c) crust
d) plate

A sudden and violent shaking of the ground
a) volcano
b) earthquake
c) plate
d) to drift apart

the gradual destruction or diminution of something
a) erosion
b) mountain range
c) plate
d) volcano

a line of mountains connected by high ground
a) mountain range
b) to collide
c) plate
d) volcano

a mountain that has a crater through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are erupted from the earth‘s crust
a) crust
b) mountain range
c) earthquake
d) volcano

a theory explaining the interaction of rigid lithospheric plates which move slowly over the underlying mantle
a) crust
b) collide
c) plate tectonics
d) plate

Wind, water, and ice can cause mountains to...
a) erupt with lava
b) get completely destroyed
c) get worn down
d) collide

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