Palabras Claves En Imperfecto Question Preview (ID: 50301)

Selecciona Las Palabras Claves En Español Que Correspondan Con Las Palabras Claves En Inglés. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

los sabados
a) on saturdays
b) each saturday
c) every other saturday
d) none of the above

muchas veces
a) a lot, many times
b) frequently
c) once in a while
d) none of the above

a) never
b) always
c) sometimes
d) none of the above

a) always
b) never
c) sometimes
d) none of the above

a) frequently
b) sometimes
c) often
d) none of the above

cuando era niño/a
a) when I was a child
b) when i was young
c) when i was a baby
d) none of the above

cuando era jove
a) when I was young
b) when I was a child
c) when I was a baby
d) none of the above

con frecuencia
a) often
b) sometimes
c) every once in a while
d) none of the above

a) normally
b) frequently
c) generally
d) none of the above

todos los dias
a) every day
b) every saturday
c) every other day
d) none of the above

a) generally
b) frequently
c) normally
d) none of the above

cada verano
a) every summer
b) every friday
c) during the summer
d) none of the above

de vez en cuando
a) from time to time
b) sometimes
c) frequently
d) none of the above

todos los meses
a) every month
b) every day
c) every year
d) none of the above

todos los años
a) every year
b) every month
c) every week
d) none of the above

todas las semanas
a) every week
b) every month
c) every day
d) none of the above

a veces
a) sometimes/at times
b) from time to time
c) often
d) none of the above

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