Bodily Systems Question Preview (ID: 50292)

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What vocabulary means related to the body?
a) bodily
b) muscle
c) bone
d) skeleton

What vocabulary means the special purpose for which something is used?
a) function
b) tissue
c) tendon
d) protect

Our ____________ is mostly made up of bones.
a) skeleton
b) muscles
c) tissue
d) bodily

The worker wears a hard hat to __________ his head.
a) protect
b) function
c) skeleton
d) muscles

What vocabulary means to a very high degree?
a) extremely
b) diet
c) function
d) tissue

How many basic bodily systems are there in a human body?
a) 11
b) 12
c) 13
d) 14

What sends messages and controls the body?
a) brain
b) heart
c) lungs
d) spinal cord

What carries messages between the brain and the rest of the body?
a) spinal cord
b) backbone
c) muscles
d) brain

What protects the spinal cord?
a) kidney
b) backbone
c) skin
d) heart

Humans are born with how many bones?
a) 270
b) 260
c) 250
d) 280

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