Formation Of The Earth And Our Solar System Question Preview (ID: 50284)

Unit 3 Assessment. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What do all of the inner planets have in common?
a) They all have rings.
b) They all have abundant liquid water.
c) They all have many moons.
d) They all are small and have rocky surface.

What shape are the orbits of most comets?
a) long, narrow ellipses
b) circles
c) nearly circular ellipses
d) spherical

The asteroid belt is located
a) between Earth and Mars.
b) between Mars and Jupiter.
c) between Jupiter and Saturn.
d) between Saturn and Uranus.

Meteoroids usually come from
a) debris from other planets.
b) the solar wind.
c) meteorites.
d) comets or asteroids.

When a meteoroid enters Earth’s atmosphere, it produces a streak of light called a(n)
a) meteor.
b) asteroid.
c) meteorite.
d) comet.

Venus and Earth are much alike in terms of
a) their size and density.
b) their rates of rotation.
c) their atmospheres.
d) their direction of rotation.

Saturn’s rings are made up mostly of
a) nitrogen and helium.
b) ice and water vapor.
c) volcanic dust particles.
d) chunks of ice and rock.

Uranus is different from most other planets because it
a) is the farthest from the Sun.
b) is mostly nitrogen and helium.
c) rotates on its side.
d) has the most moons.

Which planet by itself contains the majority of mass of all the planets?
a) Jupiter
b) Saturn
c) Earth
d) Venus

What is true about solar system densities?
a) The denser planets lie closer to the Sun.
b) The asteroids all have about the same density.
c) Saturn has the same density as water.
d) Planetary density increases with increasing distance from the Sun.

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