5th Grade Chapter 5 History The Early National Period Question Preview (ID: 50264)

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Which branch of government decides if laws have been broken?
a) legislative branch
b) executive branch
c) judicial branch
d) congress branch

Which political party passed a law making it a crime to tell lies about government officials?
a) Federalists
b) Anti-Federalists
c) Demoncratic-Republicans
d) none of the above

A ______________________ is a group of people whose ideas are different from the larger group.
a) faction
b) cabinet
c) branch
d) Federalist

Which branch of government makes the laws?
a) legislative branch
b) judicial branch
c) executive branch
d) supreme branch

Who led a revolt because of the decreasing value of the people's money and the raising of their taxes?
a) Roger Sherman
b) Alexander Hamilton
c) Daniel Shay
d) none of the above

Which group of people did not want the Constitution to become a law?
a) Democratic-Republicans
b) cabinet members
c) Anti-Federalists
d) Federalists

Alexander Hamilton believed that a ____________________ bank would be a good way to manage the nation's money.
a) state
b) national
c) city
d) none of the above

Which branch of government carries out the laws?
a) judicial branch
b) executive branch
c) executive branch
d) central branch

The _______________were a conservative political party who watned a strong government with strict limits.
a) Anti-Federalists
b) Democratic-Republicans
c) Federalists
d) none of the above

Which political party thought that the Americans should support revolutions?
a) Democratic-Republicans
b) Anti-Federalists
c) Federalists
d) Puritans

A group of officials who advise the president of the United States is called a ___________________.
a) faction
b) branch
c) cabinet
d) party

Thomas Jefferson thought the ___________________________ did not allow the national grovernment to create a national bank.
a) Articles of Confederation
b) three branches of government
c) Constitution
d) Monroe Doctrine

James Wilson wanted the people to have a strong say in government because he believed they had the common sense needed to make ----
a) Faction
b) Sovereignty
c) Ratification
d) Precedent

_______________________ is the authority of a state to govern itself.
a) laws
b) decisions
c) treaties
d) none of the above

Roger Sherman presented a ____________________ that allowed the people and states to have a voice in the national government.
a) bill
b) law
c) compromise
d) treaty

The _______________________________ were a political party in the early years of America.
a) Democratic-Republicans
b) Anti-Federalists
c) Federalists
d) none of the above

Who wanted a national government that was strong enough to lead and help the states work together, but that did not take over the responsibilities of the states?
a) John Adams
b) Thomas Jefferson
c) Daniel Shay
d) James Madison

Which president was respected by the American people because he wanted a strong, but limited, national government and set precedents as America's first president?
a) Thomas Jefferson
b) John Adams
c) George Washington
d) James Madison

What is a list of ten constitutional amendments that were passed to protect the rights of the states and the people?
a) the Articles of Confederation
b) the Bill of Rights
c) the Monroe Doctrine
d) the Louisiana Purchase

A person who was against the ratification of the United States Constitution is called ---
a) a Democratic-Republican
b) a Federalist
c) an Anti-Federalist
d) none of the above

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