Russian Revolution Review Question Preview (ID: 50259)

Russian Revolution Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

____ II became Czar before the Russian Revolution in 1894.
a) Rasputin
b) Luther
c) Nicholas
d) Brian

Event when the Czar's soldiers fired on an unarmed crowd
a) Terrible Tuesday
b) Bloody Sunday
c) Violent Friday
d) Horrible Saturday

Socialism involves the ______ controlling the economy.
a) Government
b) Businesses
c) Church

Economic system that many Russian's thought would solve problems
a) Socialism
b) Democracy
c) Totalitarianism
d) Theocracy

Who led the Bolshevik Revolution
a) Lenin
b) Rasputin
c) Nicholas
d) Vlade

Kind of government Stalin created
a) Democracy
b) Theocracy
c) Totalitarian
d) Delightful

Was the government under Stalin strong or weak?
a) Strong
b) Weak

The system of spreading false information to make people support Stalin
a) Propaganda
b) Advertisement
c) Spam
d) Telemarketing

The slogan of the Russian Revolution
a) More War
b) Money for the Masses
c) Peace Land Bread
d) Where’s my burrito?

Group that took over the Russian government in 1917
a) Democratic Party
b) Bolsheviks
c) Nazis
d) Animals

Bolsheviks changed their name to _________ party.
a) Communist
b) Tea
c) Menshevik
d) Donner

What color was used to describe the Bolshevik army?
a) White
b) Red
c) Blue
d) Green

What color was used to describe the army who fought the Bolsheviks?
a) White
b) Red
c) Blue
d) Green

The goal of Capitalism is to make _______.
a) Sure everyone is equal.
b) Safe Products
c) Money
d) Green

Which army won (color)?
a) White
b) Red
c) Blue
d) Green

Who did Lenin and the Bolsheviks give land to?
a) The Rich
b) The Church
c) The Army
d) The Poor

Who took control of the Communist party after Lenin died?
a) Marx
b) Putin
c) Vlad
d) Stalin

Where did Stalin send people who disagreed with him?
a) Germany
b) Australia
c) Argentina
d) Siberia

Stalin _____ between 5 and 10 million peasants.
a) Freed
b) Fed
c) Killed
d) Promoted

Under Stalin the ______ controlled the lives of people.
a) Church
b) Government
c) Voters

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