Chapter 16 Review Question Preview (ID: 50258)

Review Over Chap. 16 In History. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Besides not being able to vote what else can a territory not do?
a) Obey the law
b) Choose their own governor
c) Drive on the right side of the road
d) Choose their own President

Who discovered Hawaii?
a) Theodore Roosevelt
b) John Dewey
c) James Cook
d) William Gorgas

Who sold Alaska to America?
a) England
b) Spain
c) China
d) Russia

What began the Spanish American War?
a) The sinking of the Maine
b) America bought Russia
c) The spread of malaria and yellow fever
d) The panama canal was built

How long the Spanish American war last?
a) 3 years
b) 2 months
c) 3 months
d) 2 years

What made Alaska a valuable territory?
a) Gold was discovered
b) Oil was discovered
c) Lots of lumber from all the trees
d) There were no road yet

A strait is a man-made waterway
a) true
b) false

The Russians first tried to build the Panama canal
a) true
b) false

Alaska and Hawaii both became a state in...
a) 1995
b) 1959
c) 1960
d) 1969

This country gained its indepedence after the Spanish American War
a) Puerto Rico
b) Guam
c) Cuba
d) Philippines

Who led the Rough Riders
a) Theodore Roosevelt
b) John Dewey
c) James Cook
d) William Gorgas

Where did the Rough Riders defeat the Spanish?
a) Battle of Bunker Hill
b) Battle of San Juan Hill
c) Battle of Little Bighorn
d) Battle of Juan Hill

In 1978 what did the United States agree to do with Panama Canal?
a) Give it to the Russians
b) Start charging a tax for any ship that passed through the canal
c) Give it to the country of Panama
d) Keep it forever

What diseases did William Gorgas help eliminate by destroying the mosquitoes that carried them?
a) corona
b) typhoid fever
c) malaria
d) whooping cough

Where did John Dewey defeat the Spanish at?
a) Guam
b) Philippines
c) Puerto Rico
d) Cuba

When did the Panama Canal open?
a) 1915
b) 1913
c) 1914
d) 1920

Who destroyed the Spanish fleet at the Philippines?
a) James Cook
b) John Dewey
c) William Gorgas
d) Theodore Roosevelt

Who won the Spanish American war?
a) United States
b) Spain

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