5th Grade Chapter 6 Land And Water Biomes (Part One) Question Preview (ID: 50242)

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Savannas have more ______________than prairies do.
a) animals
b) trees
c) grasses
d) none of the above

________________________ is another name for the coniferous forest.
a) Savanna
b) Tundra
c) Taiga
d) none of the above

Three types of wetlands are marshes, swamps, and____________________
a) bogs
b) rivers
c) streams
d) oceans

_______________________ are a way to divide the biosphere into smaller sections.
a) Salinity
b) Biomes
c) Tide pools
d) none of the above

_____________________ can only have freshwater.
a) Marshes
b) Oceans
c) Bogs
d) Swamps

Partially decayed plant material that has piled up into dense layers is called---
a) peat
b) permafrost
c) salinity
d) nocturnal

The main vegetation in the ___________________________ is grass.
a) wetland
b) tundra
c) desert
d) grassland

Savannas have _________________ seasons and a tropical grass climate.
a) two
b) one
c) four
d) three

The _____________________________________ has many trees that lose their leaves during the winter.
a) deciduous forest
b) coniferous forest
c) tropical rain forest
d) tundra

The ___________________________________________ is the largest land biome.
a) deciduous forest
b) savannah
c) coniferous forest
d) desert

This is a very dry biome that can be either hot or cold.
a) tundra
b) grassland
c) desert
d) mountain

The __________________________ has many animals that live in the tree tops.
a) tropical rain forests
b) coniferous forests
c) deciduous forests
d) grasslands

______________________ are almost always wet.
a) Deserts
b) Wetlands
c) Grasslands
d) Deciduous forests

The ______________ is the coldest biome.
a) tundra
b) mountain
c) coniferous forest
d) rain forest

The largest land marine biome is the ---
a) pond
b) wetland
c) ocean
d) grassland

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