Math Question Preview (ID: 50184)

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In order to start constructing the house, Charlie and his father needed to gather some wood from the forest. If they initially have 15 extra planks of wood in the house and Charlie and his father got 10 planks of wood each, how many pieces of wood do
a) 25
b) 35
c) 30
d) 32

While building the house, Charlie noticed that they were running out of nails so he told his father he’s going to buy some. If they still have 9 nails left and Charlie bought 2 boxes of nails, the big one containing 55 nails and the small one contain
a) 95
b) 90
c) 85
d) 80

To have a more stable treehouse, Charlie’s father decided to tie the corner posts of the house to the tree itself. He used 24 inches of rope for the first post, 20 inches on the second, 14 inches on the third and 12 inches on the fourth. He also had
a) 73
b) 75
c) 65
d) 70

The treehouse is almost done; all they need is to paint it. His father estimated that they will use 20 ounces of white paint, 15 ounces of green paint and 34 ounces of brown paint. How many ounces of paint would they buy in total?
a) 49
b) 59
c) 69
d) 70

Upon finishing the treehouse, Charlie’s mother served them freshly baked cookies. If Charlie ate 15 cookies, his father ate 10 and his mother only ate 5, please write an equation to show how many cookies were eaten in total?
a) 30
b) 32
c) 40
d) 35

Jessica, Annie’s best friend, is hosting the party. She plans on making pizza for everyone. If she bought 15 pieces of pepperoni, 10 pieces of salami and 30 pieces of bacon as ingredients, how many pieces of meat did she buy in total?
a) 50
b) 55
c) 45
d) 40

Andrew, Annie’s other friend, was assigned with the preparation of appetizers. He decided to bring 30 hotdogs on sticks, 20 pieces of bite-sized cheese pops and 40 pieces of chicken nuggets. How many portions of appetizers did Andrew bring in all?
a) 90
b) 80
c) 79
d) 99

Annie’s mother has also been asked to be a part of the surprise. She was tasked to be in charge of drinks. She bought 15 cans of pop and made 25 glasses of orange juice, 15 glasses of grape juice and 5 glasses of apple juice. How many glasses of juic
a) 40
b) 35
c) 45
d) 44

Annie’s friends wanted to make sure that there will be enough utensils to go around. If they already have 10 spoons and 10 forks and they bought 30 more for forks and 20 more spoons, how many utensils do they have available for the party?
a) 60
b) 55
c) 69
d) 70

On the actual day of Annie’s birthday, almost everyone in her class came to surprise her. If Annie has 15 girl classmates, 20 boy classmates and 3 teachers in her class, write and equation showing how many people attended her birthday party
a) 38
b) 48
c) 40
d) 35

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