8th SS - Unit 15 Review (SS8CG4cd) Question Preview (ID: 50181)

Unit 15 (SS8CG4cd). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which type of law deals with crimes that are committed?
a) Criminal Law
b) Civil Law
c) ###
d) ####

Which type of law deals with disputes between people?
a) Civil Law
b) Criminal Law
c) ###
d) ####

The idea that the law is being followed as it should is called:
a) due process
b) a verdict
c) voir dire
d) an appeal

A trial only takes place when the defendant pleads:
a) not guilty
b) guilty
c) ###
d) ####

Adult criminal justice begins with:
a) an arrest
b) the plea
c) jury selection
d) the initial appearance

A panel of citizens must determine if there is enough evidence for a trial... during:
a) a grand jury indictment
b) an arraignment
c) plea bargaining
d) the initial appearance

Who is responsible for the verdict in an adult trial?
a) the jury
b) the judge
c) ###
d) ####

For most trials, a jury is comprised of:
a) 12 members
b) 3 members
c) 25 members
d) 5 members

If the verdict is guilty, the judge:
a) determines the sentence
b) appeals the case
c) allows the jury to decide the punishment
d) passes the case to the next court

During an appeal:
a) a higher court decides whether or not to hear the case
b) a lower court decides whether or not to hear a case
c) ###
d) ####

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