Unit 5 And 6 Review Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 50170)

Unit 5 And 6 Practice. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Police officers investigate local crimes and may arrest those accused of breaking local laws. Which agency has a similar role at the national level?
a) Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
b) Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
c) Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
d) Department of Defense (DOD)

If the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that new medication have clear warning labels, which type of law applies?
a) Statutory
b) Administrative
c) Criminal
d) Civil

What is the primary responsibility of the Department of Justice?
a) To develop foreign policies
b) To investigate violations of federal law
c) To protect public lands
d) To monitor the safety of medication

What is the most probable penalty for a person who violates a civil law?
a) Imprisonment
b) House Arrest
c) Community Service
d) Payment

Which law enforcement agency would most likely respond to a conflict between neighbors who live outside the city limits?
a) City Police
b) Highway Patrol
c) County Sheriff's Department
d) State Bureau of Investigation

Who runs a city’s law enforcement department and is appointed?
a) Chief of Police
b) State Trooper
c) Attorney General
d) Sherriff

Which type of law would apply to a case where the defendant feels that their due process rights were violated?
a) Administrative
b) Constitutional
c) Civil
d) Criminal

Which of the following is an example of a civil case?
a) The Food and Drug Administration mandates that calorie counts must be placed on menus.
b) Two countries enter into a peace treaty for mutual defense.
c) A man burns down his business to collect insurance money.
d) Two drivers who are involved in an accident feel that it is the other’s fault.

Congress cannot pass Bills of Attainder - this would prevent people from having rights provided by which Constitutional amendment?
a) 6th
b) 8th
c) 28th
d) 4th

Where did the United States get most of the ideas for the common law system used today?
a) The French
b) The Romans
c) Babylonians
d) The British

Which of the following interest groups is an economic interest group?
a) Common Cause
b) Sierra Club
d) Chamber of Commerce

Why do special interest groups form political action committees?
a) To lobby lawmakers
b) To pressure the courts
c) To raise money for candidates
d) To bribe lawmakers

Jake has just been fined $50,000 for littering. Obviously this would not be allowed under the 8th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. What would we call Jake’s punishment?
a) Draconian
b) Jurisprudence
c) Civil
d) Statute

Which groups are formed in order to promote a common cause? They pressure lawmakers into proposing and passing laws that support their cause.
a) Local initiatives
b) Political parties
c) Protest radicals
d) Special interest groups

If the House and the Senate passed different versions of the same bill, how could the difference be eliminated so the bill could become law?
a) The president would decide on a compromise.
b) Members of both houses would meet in a conference committee to find a compromise.
c) The president would decide which version of the bill he wanted to sign into law.
d) The bill is dead and must start all over again in both houses.

Which of the following best explains why bills signed by the president often differ from the original version introduced in Congress?
a) The president often vetoes the original versions.
b) The Speaker of the House often changes the bill him/herself.
c) Committees often rewrite or amend the original version.
d) The Supreme Court strikes down many laws.

Which of the following would help a bill pass through the U.S. Congress?
a) cloture
b) pigeonholing
c) filibuster
d) veto

Which law enforcement agency investigates counterfeiters and protects the president from assassination?
a) Federal Bureau of Investigation
b) US Secret Service
c) State Highway Patrol
d) Central Intelligence Agency

Bob was called to court to testify as a witness in a first-degree murder case. to be complete false. He lied under oath. What will Bob be charged with?
a) Larceny
b) Perjury
c) Forgery
d) Apathy

A group of people brought together to decide whether there is enough evidence to charge, or indict, someone for committing a crime can best be described as what?
a) Petit (trial) jury
b) Supreme Court
c) Bench jury
d) Grand jury

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