World War II Begins Question Preview (ID: 50143)

World War II Begins. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How were Mussolini, Franco, Stalin and Hitler similar
a) They were all totalitarian leaders
b) They were all fascists
c) They all supported free enterprise
d) They all put into effect collectivization

Which event was the main cause of the Great Depression?
a) U.S. Stock Market Crash
b) World War II
c) labor strikes in Great Britain
d) global wealth

Who was the leader of the Soviet Union?
a) Joseph Stalin
b) Adolf Hitler
c) Franklin Roosevelt
d) Benito Mussolini

Who was the leader of Italy?
a) Benito Mussolini
b) Adolf Hitler
c) Joseph Stalin
d) Franklin Roosevelt

Who was the leader of Nazi Germany?
a) Adolf Hitler
b) Franklin Roosevelt
c) Joseph Stalin
d) Benito Mussolini

Buying stock with a small down payment and borrowing the rest...
a) On Margin
b) Enabling Act
c) Blitzkrieg
d) Depression

The unification of Germany and Austria...
a) Anschluss
b) Fascism
c) Stock Market Crash
d) Reichstag

Trying to avoid war by accepting demands from an aggressive nation...
a) Appeasement
b) Blitzkrieg
c) Nazi Party
d) On Margin

The fascist party followers of Mussolini in Italy...
a) Black Shirts
b) Nazi Party
c) Stock Market Crash
d) Anschluss

A law that allowed the German government to ignore the constitution to solve Germany's economic problems...
a) Enabling Act
b) Appeasement
c) Rome-Berlin Axis
d) Demilitarized Zone

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