Plants Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 50137)
Plant Parts And Reproduction 4th Grade Science.
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The process when male and female reproductive parts join together.
a) fertilization
b) leaf
c) pollination
d) reproduction
The part of a plant that makes food using air, light, and water.
a) leaf
b) pollination
c) reproduction
d) root
The transfer of pollen in flowers or cones.
a) pollination
b) reproduction
c) root
d) seed
To have young, or more living things of the same kind.
a) reproduction
b) root
c) seed
d) spore
A plant part that is usually underground and absorbs water and minerals from the soil.
a) root
b) seed
c) spore
d) stem
The part of a plant that contains a new plant.
a) seed
b) spore
c) stem
d) root
A reproductive structure of some plants, such as mosses and ferns, that can form a new plant.
a) spore
b) stem
c) leaf
d) seed
The part of a plant that holds it up and has tubes that carry water, minerals, and nutrients through the plant.
a) stem
b) root
c) seed
d) spore
This part of the plant is underground.
a) root
b) leaf
This part of the plant may be dispersed by animals, the wind, water, and more.
a) seeds
b) roots
c) leaves
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