Unit 9: US-Dakota War Of 1862 Question Preview (ID: 50131)

This War Covers Chapter 9 In The Northern Lights Textbook. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What were the key sides of the US Dakota War of 1862?
a) Dakota vs. Dakota
b) Traditional Dakota vs. Settlers
c) Missionaries vs. Farm Dakota
d) Farm Dakota vs. Government Agencies

What is an agency?
a) Top Secret Spy Headquarters
b) A Dakota field office
c) A US Government Field Office
d) a Tipi

Which town has a steamboat landing, schoolhouse, and an agency?
a) New Ulm
b) Mankato
c) Upper Sioux
d) Lower Sioux

Who are traditional Dakota?
a) Dakota who want to keep their traditions and ways of life
b) Dakota who want to adapt to Settlers ways
c) Pioneers adapting in harsh MN land
d) Government officials trying to convince Dakota people to change their traditions

What was the goal of government officials in agencies?
a) To help preserve Dakota traditions
b) To Keep the Peace
c) To Enforce US Law
d) To convince Dakota people to change their ways of life and traditions to the Settlers way of life

What was the goal of missionaries?
a) To help preserve Dakota traditions
b) To teach about the Christian bible in an effort to convince Dakota people to change their ways of life and traditions
c) To convince Dakota people to fight against the settlers
d) To go on top secret missions

Who are farm Dakota?
a) Dakota who want to keep their traditions and way of life
b) Dakota who want to adapt towards Settlers ways of life
c) Pioneers trying to adapt in the harsh Minnesota land
d) Government officials trying to convince Dakota people to change their traditions

What were the reasons for the US Dakota War of 1862?
a) Government Officials and Missionaries worked to change Dakota ways of life and traditions
b) Revenge from the Dakota
c) Traders stopped trading with traditional Dakota
d) All of the above

What were the perspectives of the Settlers after the war?
a) Flee and Run Away
b) Revenge against the Dakota through exile and internment camps
c) Everyone was killed
d) Adapt to Dakota traditions

What are the perspectives of the Dakota during the war?
a) Flee and Run Away
b) Adapt to Settlers Ways
c) Kill all Settlers out of revenge
d) Eat grass

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