Criminal Cases Question Preview (ID: 50122)

Questions Regarding Criminal Court Cases. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When is a jury “hung”?
a) When the jury violates the rules set by the judge
b) When the jury votes for the execution of the accused
c) When the jury only hears felony cases
d) When the jury cannot reach a verdict

Who carries the burden of proof in a criminal case?
a) the jury
b) the judge
c) the prosecution
d) the defendant

What is it called when the defendant accepts a guilty plea for a lesser charge?
a) Indictment
b) Arraignment
c) Remand
d) Plea Bargain

What does it mean when a defendant in a criminal case has been indicted?
a) They are guilty.
b) They are formally charged with the crime.
c) They are acquitted.
d) They have accepted a plea bargain.

The judge allowed Grant to return home until his court date. Grant had to put up $10,000 in order to ensure his return. What is this called?
a) Bail
b) Plea Bargain
c) Perjury
d) Proposition

Which of the following steps in a criminal case are in order?
a) Verdict, arraignment, indictment, appeal
b) Preliminary hearing, arrest, arraignment, trial
c) Indictment, arrest, appeal, trial
d) Arrest, preliminary hearing, arraignment, trial

When sentencing juveniles, what is the ultimate goal?
a) To reprimand the juvenile offender
b) To rehabilitate the juvenile offender
c) To punish the juvenile offender
d) Harsh punishments through retribution

Who are the two sides in a criminal case when referring to our adversarial system of justice?
a) Plaintiff and Defendant
b) Judge and Jury
c) Prosecution and Defense
d) Judge and Bailiff

What is the job of the prosecutor/district attorney?
a) to present the state’s case against the defendant in a criminal trial
b) to present the plaintiff’s case against the defendant in a civil trial
c) to arrest and question suspects in a criminal case
d) to defend his client against charges in either criminal or civil matters

The jury unanimously voted 12-0 for a “not guilty” verdict in a first degree rape case. The charges were thus dropped. What is another term for this?
a) Hung
b) Subpoena
c) Contempt of court
d) Acquittal

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