Romeo And Juliet-Act III Question Preview (ID: 50120)

Act III Quiz. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why does Benvolio want to get out of the street?
a) He is concerned about Mercutio's health
b) He is worried that a brawl will start
c) He thinks he sees Romeo
d) He sees Tybalt and wants to hide.

Why doesn't Romeo want to fight Tybalt
a) Romeo knows he cannot defeat Tybalt.
b) Romeo wants Mercutio to fight Tybalt.
c) They shouldn't go against Escalus's orders.
d) The are now related through marriage.

How does Romeo react when Tybalt and Mercutio start fighting
a) He joins in against Tybalt
b) He joins in against Mercutio
c) He tries to break them up
d) He leaves to get Escalus

What is Romeo's punishment for killing Tybalt
a) Execution
b) Imprisonment
c) Torture
d) Banishment

What does Romeo do after killing Tybalt
a) He fights paris
b) He runs away
c) He takes his own life
d) He asks Benvolio to protect him.

What does Juliet plan to do of Friar Lawrence cannot help her?
a) Kill herself
b) Marry Paris
c) Become a nun
d) Run away

Capulet tells Juliet if she does not obey him, he will
a) put her in a convent
b) disown her
c) beat her
d) kill her

Because of Juliets grief, her wedding date with Paris has been
a) forgotten
b) hastened
c) cancelled
d) delayed

At the end of Act III, Scene V, the nurse comforts Juliet by saying
a) Hide thee in Verona, I will send for Romeo by letter.
b) Go to Friar Lawrence for shrift and advice
c) Romeo is banished, I think it best you marry the County
d) Do what thou wishes, but I must stand by thy parents wishes.

Romeo doesn't want to fight Tybalt because
a) he is afraid that the Prince will find out and kill both of them
b) his marriage to Juliet makes Tybalt his relative
c) he is so happy about Juliet that he bears no ill will towards anyone
d) Tybalt has a reputation for never losing a fight

The Capulets believe Juliet is crying for
a) Benvolio
b) Romeo
c) Mercutio
d) Tybalt

How does Juliet react to her arranged marriage to Paris?
a) With obedience
b) With apathy and sadness
c) With horror and anger
d) With embarrassment and alarm

Who tells the story of the fight to the Prince?
a) Benvolio
b) Balthazar
c) Lady Capulet
d) Tybalt

After the duel with Tybalt, Romeo hides
a) At Friar Laurence's cell
b) in the Capulet orchard
c) in a dark tavern
d) in his own home

How does Romeo feel about his banishment?
a) As a fitting consequence
b) As a cheap price to pay
c) As a blessing in disguise
d) As a fate worse than death

Friar Laurence tells Romeo that he should be glad for all of the following EXCEPT
a) Tybalt is dead
b) Juliet still loves
c) Benvolio survived the sword fight.
d) Romeo is banished, not sentenced to death.

When Tybalt sees Romeo, he calls him a
a) Cockatrice
b) Villian
c) King of Cats
d) A housewife

Mercutio received his fatal wound because
a) Benvolio tries to come between Tybalt and Mercutio to stop the fight.
b) Tybalt trips and the sword accidentally pierces him.
c) Romeo tries to come between Tybalt and Mercutio to stop the fight.
d) Romeo pushes Benvolio out of the way

At the beginning of Scene 1, Benvolio wants to get out of the streets because
a) He is worried about Mercutio's health
b) He thinks he sees Romeo
c) He sees Tybalt and wants to hide
d) He is afraid a brawl will start

Mercutio first becomes angry with Tybalt because he
a) Says that Mercutio consorts with Romeo and this insults him.
b) Says if he finds Romeo, he will be a dead man.
c) accuses Mercutio of crashing the Capulet party.
d) Swears Mercutio cannot sword fight well

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