6th Grade Space Question Preview (ID: 50114)

Space Stuff. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A collection of stars, dust, and gas bound together by gravity is...
a) Universe
b) Solar System
c) Planet
d) Galaxy

A large cloud of gas and dust in interstellar space; the predecessor to stars...
a) Constellation
b) Black hole
c) Nebula
d) Galaxy

Compared to the rest of the stars, our sun is considered...
a) Extremely Large and Cold
b) Medium size with medium temperature
c) Small with a medium temperature
d) nope

A large celestial body made of gases that emits light due to nuclear reactions is called -
a) a galaxy
b) a nebula
c) a comet
d) a star

Which of the following are in the correct order from smallest to largest?
a) planets, nebulae, stars, galaxies
b) planets, stars, nebulae, galaxies
c) galaxies, nebulae, stars, planets

Stars are formed in a large cloud of gas and dust called a
a) cumulonimbus cloud
b) nebula
c) neutron star
d) black hole

\What is the composition of most comets?
a) rock, ice, salt carbon
b) rock, ice magma, frozen gases
c) ice, dust, rock, soil
d) ice, dust, rock, frozen gases

COMET appears a streak in the sky
a) True
b) false
c) nope
d) nope

Which object in space looks like a dirty snowball because of its composition of ice, gas and dust?
a) Astroid
b) Comet
c) Galaxy
d) Meteor

Everything- all matter and energy is known as a....
a) Space
b) Multiverse
c) Galaxy
d) Universe

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