The Mostly True Adventures Of Homer P Figg 1 Question Preview (ID: 50112)

Vocabulary Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a system for forcing people to join the army whether they want to or not
a) conscription
b) whinny
c) truss
d) commence

a) whinny
b) conscription
c) prodigious
d) truss

in very poor shape
a) wretched
b) prodigious
c) commence
d) whinny

to begin
a) commence
b) wretched
c) whinny
d) truss

to tie the wings and legs of a chicken or turkey or pig before cooking it
a) commence
b) whinny
c) truss
d) wretched

to make the sound a horse makes
a) commence
b) wretched
c) whinny
d) truss

Bob the horse began to ___________ so Stink and Smelt heard them.
a) wretched
b) whinny
c) commence
d) truss

The house looked old and _______________ at night time.
a) commence
b) wretched
c) whinny
d) truss

Homer P Figg is known as a ______________ liar.
a) whinny
b) prodigious
c) commence
d) wretched

During the Civil War, many young men and boys were _____________ into the army.
a) wretched
b) prodigious
c) conscripted
d) whinny

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