Weather: Clouds Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 50100)

Weather: Clouds And Associated Vocab. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

3.) A __________________________________ is made of ice crystals often tells us and that it could rain in the next day or 2.
a) cirrus
b) cumulus
c) stratus
d) cumulonimbus

3.) A __________________________________ is made of ice crystals means fair weather today often tells us and that it could rain in the next day or 2.
a) cirrus
b) cumulus
c) stratus
d) cumulonimbus

2.) Davion is a new student so Macoy told him that when water changes from a gas to a liquid we defined it as _________________________________.
a) Condensation
b) Precipitation
c) Transpiration
d) Evaporation

Mac said that the heat from the sun causes ___________________________, or the changing of water from liquid to gas form.
a) Evaporation
b) Precipitation
c) Condensation
d) Transpiration

The hurricanes wind speed was over 125 MPH, and was measured by...
a) Anemometer
b) Barometer
c) Hygrometer
d) Wind Vane

This instrument tells you if the weather is Happy (High Pressure: cool, dry, sunny) or Lousy (Low Pressure: warm, moist rainy)
a) Barometer
b) Anemometer
c) Thermometer
d) Wind Vane

It is hot Monday and Tuesday, with a chance of rain Wednesday is what the lower atmosphere is like at any given place and time that we also call....
a) Weather
b) Climate
c) Precipitation
d) Wind Temperature

Paul knew the wind was blowing towards the East by looking at the...
a) Wind Vane
b) Anemometer
c) Rain Gauge
d) Thermometer

When asked to measure how much water has fallen Baseera used a ___________ _____________.
a) Rain Gauge
b) Therometer
c) Anemometer
d) Weather Vane

When it was time to measure the temperature outside Anna used a __________________________.
a) Thermometer
b) Anemometer
c) Wind Vane
d) Rain Gauge

meteorologist used ______________________ ______________________ which showed atmospheric conditions above a large portion of the Earth's surface, to show the incoming snow storm.
a) Weather Map
b) Rain Gauge
c) Barometer
d) Climate

The _______________________ which measures water vapor in atmosphere (humidity), read very high in the month of August.
a) Hygrometer
b) Barometer
c) Thermometer
d) Anemometer

Although sunshine was in the forecast for Monday, Rafaella expected rain showers every other day in London because its ____________________, or average weather patterns of a region, were rainy days.
a) Climate
b) Weather
c) Precipitaion
d) Condensation

5.) _____________________________________ are puffy, like cotton balls, and usually are accompanied by fair weather.
a) cumuls
b) stratus
c) cirrus
d) mammatus

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