SS6CG2 And SS6CG4: Australia And Canada Government Question Preview (ID: 50099)

Australia And Canada Government Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A power distribution system where power is equally shared by the Central and Regional authorities
a) Federal system
b) Parliamentary Democracy
c) Unitary Sytem
d) Confederate Government

What type of government does Canada and Australia both have?
a) Presidential Democracy
b) Dictatorship
c) Parliamentary Democracy
d) Autocratic

What type of government system do both Canada and Australia have?
a) Unitary
b) Federal
c) Confederal

What does having a bicameral legislature mean?
a) 2 voting systems
b) 2 electoral colleges
c) integrated houses
d) 2 legislative houses

What is another phrase for Head of Government
a) Chief Executive
b) Executive Leader

Which form of government is characterized by unlimited power
a) Democracy
b) Autocracy
c) Oligarchy

In which form of government are citizens free to participate in deciding who runs the country?
a) Democracy
b) Autocracy
c) Oligarchy
d) Theocracy

Which form of autocracy can hold unlimited power and is typically hereditary
a) Dictatorship
b) Monarchy

In a parliamentary democracy, which two branches are Fused together
a) Legislative and Judicial
b) Judicial and Executive
c) Legislative and Executive

Which is true of a confederate (power distribution) government?
a) The central government hold the power
b) They share power
c) The local/regional government holds the power

What is the name of the representative of the Queen in Australia and Canada?
a) Governor
b) President
c) General
d) Governor-General

Who is the Head of State for Australia and Canada?
a) King of Russia
b) Queen of England
c) Prime Minister

Which country has COMPULSORY voting for citizens 18 and older
a) Australia
b) Canada

What is another form of government for Australia and Canada?
a) Autocracy
b) Dictatorship
c) Absolute Monarchy
d) Constitutional Monarchy

A Constitutional Monarchy means what?
a) monarch is in complete control
b) monarchs have no power at all
c) monarchs have little power and is mostly ceremonial

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