Imperialism Review Question Preview (ID: 50089)

Review For Friday's Quiz. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Areas where an outside nation had political or economic influence.
a) Spheres of influence
b) Open door policy
c) Boxer Rebellion
d) Colonization

The U.S helped this nation achieve its independence from Columbia in order to get the land needed to build a canal.
a) Cuba
b) The Philippines
c) Puerto Rico
d) Panama

The U.S. proposed an open door policy with this country that gave all countries equal trading rights within its borders.
a) China
b) Hawaii
c) Japan
d) Panama

The adding of a region to the territory of an existing political unit.
a) Colonialism
b) Nationalism
c) Imperialism
d) Annexation

Ideal naval base and coaling station for ships traveling to and from Asia.
a) China
b) Hawaii
c) Japan
d) Panama

Which of the following is NOT a method of imperialism?
a) Military force
b) Creating infrastructure
c) Allowing the indigenous culture to thrive without interference from the mother country.
d) None of the above

A strong feeling of pride in, and devotion to, one's country and culture:
a) Nationalism
b) Colonization
c) Annexation
d) Imperialism

Which of these would NOT have been a motivation for American Imperialism between 1880-1914?
a) New customers to trade with
b) Forming alliances due to the fear of attack by the countries on our borders
c) Sources of raw materials
d) Spreading religion and the concept of manifest destiny

The process of one country dominating another, usually by force.
a) Nationalism
b) Imperialism
c) Colonization
d) Annexation

Became the strongest power in the East after defeating Russia in a war.
a) China
b) Korea
c) Japan
d) The Philippines

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