Social Studies Chapter 5 Quiz Review Question Preview (ID: 50074)

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This word means the trade routs that connected England, the English colonies, and Africa
a) Middle Passage
b) Triangular trade route
c) imports
d) exports

This word means the good brought into a country
a) exports
b) industry
c) imports
d) naval store

This word means the goods leaving the country
a) exports
b) imports
c) naval stores
d) Middle Passage

This word means the products used to build ships
a) industry
b) naval stores
c) imports
d) exports

This word means all the businesses that make one kind of product or offer one kind of service
a) industry
b) export
c) naval stores
d) import

This word means an economic system where people are free to choose the goods and services to buy or make
a) industry
b) naval stores
c) export
d) free-market

This word means the people in the town that made the laws and elected leaders
a) common
b) sedition
c) charter
d) town meeting

This word means the grassy area that was shared by the town's people
a) common
b) triangular trade route
c) town meeting
d) consent

This word means the land beyond the areas already settled by colonists
a) borderlands
b) charter
c) frontier
d) common

This word means agreement
a) dissent
b) expel
c) consent
d) town meeting

This word means disagreement
a) expel
b) common
c) town meeting
d) dissent

This word means to force to leave
a) sedition
b) expel
c) industry
d) common

This word means speaking in ways that caused others to work against the government
a) town meeting
b) sedition
c) naval stores
d) consent

This word means an official paper
a) charter
b) dissent
c) sedition
d) frontier

This is one reason Roger Williams was asked to leave the colony for all of these reasons except
a) He believed the church should be separate from the government.
b) He disagreed with the treatment of Native Americans.
c) He believed the Puritan leaders should have strict control.
d) He stated his beliefs in his sermons.

This person was charged with speaking out against the Puritan government.
a) Anne Hutchinson
b) John Winthrop
c) the Native Americans
d) John Smith

The Puritan's religious beliefs told them how to do the following except
a) live
b) work
c) spend their free time
d) sleep

Schools were important to the Puritans because they believed
a) math was important
b) reading was fun
c) everyone should be able to read the Bible
d) everyone should learn social studies

The industries that supported New England's economy were
a) logging, shipbuilding, fishing
b) whaling, farming, logging, jewelry making
c) fishing, shipbuilding, fishing, crafting
d) logging, shipbuilding, fishing, whaling

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