Volcanoes Question Preview (ID: 50057)

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What are areas of Earth’s surface that magma and gases pass through?
a) tectonic plates
b) magma chambers
c) volcanoes
d) vapor chambers

Which of these would you expect to see during a nonexplosive eruption?
a) giant fountains of lava and rock
b) clouds of ash darkening the sky
c) mountainside caving in
d) huge lava flows

What is most likely to happen if the water content of magma ishigh?
a) A nonexplosive eruption will occur.
b) No eruption will occur.
c) An explosive eruption is likely.
d) Pressure will decrease.

What is pyroclastic material?
a) magma that blasts into the air and hardens
b) magma that remains underground too long
c) molten rock
d) lava that flows underwater

Which of these describes a climate change caused by a volcanic eruption?
a) Hot lava makes temperatures rise.
b) Ash blocks sunlight and temperatures drop.
c) Burned land creates dry conditions.
d) Volcanic eruptions don’t cause climate changes.

What is a rift?
a) a closed vent
b) a crack in the Earth’s crust
c) an instrument that predicts eruptions
d) a hot spot

What does a tiltmeter measure?
a) gases
b) changes in a volcano’s slope
c) the intensity of earthquakes
d) the temperature inside a volcano

Which kind of volcano will probably never erupt again?
a) an active volcano
b) an extinct volcano
c) a dormant volcano
d) a chamber volcano

Which kind of volcano is most likely to erupt soon?
a) an active volcano
b) an extinct volcano
c) a dormant volcano
d) a chamber volcano

Volcanoes are most likely to form
a) near the center of continents.
b) in deep canyons.
c) along plate boundaries.
d) in mountainous areas.

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