Enviromental Cycles Pt2 Question Preview (ID: 50050)

Enviromental Cycles Game Pt. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is a fertilizer
a) A chemical reaction
b) A chemical that absorbs more sunlight
c) A chemical or natural substance That is added to the ocean for seals
d) A chemical or natural substance that is added to soil

What does impermeable mean
a) A layer in the ground that the sun can penetrate
b) A layer in the ground water cant penetrate
c) A layer in the ground water does penetrate
d) A layer in the ground that is lived on

Why is the water cycle important to life
a) it regulates water
b) It cleans water
c) It cleans life
d) It is necessary for all life

What is leaching
a) The area where water pools
b) the drain away from soil, ash and simialer materials
c) The main place near grass and dirt (lithosphere)
d) An insect

What is a legume used for
a) They fixate nitrogen
b) They take salt out of sea water
c) They fixate on the sun
d) They are plants

What is combustion
a) process of something happening fast
b) process of something being destroyed
c) process of melting something
d) process of burning something

Which is a sink of the water cycle
a) Lithosphere
b) clouds
c) evaporation
d) transpiration

What is a flux of the water cycle
a) evaporation
b) Atmosphere
c) Transition
d) Lithoaphere

What is decomposition
a) Process of something living
b) Process of something moving to a different area
c) Process of something rotting
d) State of solidity

Which is a primary sink of the phosphorus cycle
a) Space
b) Sunflowers
c) Sedimentary rocks
d) lithosphere

What is a cirrus cloud
a) Large clouds that often form after thunderstorms.
b) Wispy streaks found in high altitudes
c) Clumps of clouds near the ground called fog
d) A large cloud that causes thunderstorms

What is the region that holds water
a) Biosphere
b) lithosphere
c) Hydrosphere
d) thermosphere

What is the process when water leaves through plants
a) lithification
b) lithosphere
c) evaporation
d) Transpiration

What is an autotroph
a) an organism that can form simple inorganic substances
b) The second layer of the atmosphere
c) An organism that hold water
d) The 4th stage in the water cycle

What does organic mean
a) all non living things
b) Organism that can form simple inorganic substances
c) Matter that bonds together and moves
d) Derived of living matter

What is a fossil fuel
a) natural fuel like crops and the sun
b) A renewable source of fuel like hydroelectricity
c) natural fuel such as coal or gas
d) organic fuel source

why is the nitrogen cycle important to life
a) Nitrogen makes the atoms in our body work together
b) Nitrogen makes organic acids for humans
c) Nitrogen makes anemic acids for humans
d) Used in fertilizers for plantations and farms

What is ammonia
a) A powerful element that is 4th on the periodic table
b) A clear liquid that has a strong odor
c) The liquid used in the lithification process
d) A fossil fuel

Which is a flux of the nitrogen cycle
a) atmosphere
b) precipitation
c) Transpiration
d) lithification

What are macronutrients
a) Smaller versions of nutrients that are used in the nitrogen cycle
b) Nutrients that are unstable and break themselves down
c) Nutrients that living things need
d) Nutrients that grow in water

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