Enviromental Cycles Question Preview (ID: 50048)

Enviromental Cycle Game. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How are trenches formed
a) Convergent boundary
b) Ocean to ocean
c) Transform boundary
d) Divergent boundary

A current or fluid that results from convection
a) Convergent current
b) Divergent current
c) Convection current
d) current

The rigid part of the earth consisting of the crust and upper mantle
a) Lithification
b) condensation
c) Biosphere
d) lithosphere

What plate boundaries move away from each other
a) Convergent boundary
b) Divergent boundary
c) Ocean to Continent boundary
d) Transform boundary

Which is a sink of the rock cycle
a) Sediments
b) Cooling
c) lithification
d) The ground

What boundary causes two plates to move into each other
a) Divergent
b) Convergent
c) Transform boundary
d) Ocean to continent

What is lithification
a) sediments under pressure turn into metamorphic rocks
b) sediments are compacted and become a solid
c) Sediments and metamorphic rocks are turned into igneous rocks
d) Sediments are weathered down further

What happens when magma from a volcano cools
a) It turns into a metamorphic rock
b) Sedimentary rocks are made
c) Igneous rocks are formed

What is crystalization
a) When a liquid turns to a gas
b) The process when plants take in carbon and release oxygen
c) A liquid chemical is converted in to a solid
d) A liquid is absorbed into the ground

What happens when an igneous or sedimentary rock is put under extreme pressure
a) Metamorphic rocks break down
b) Igneous rocks grow
c) The pressure decreases
d) Metamorphic rocks are formed

What happens when waves hit a mountain
a) The waves stop
b) The mountain falls
c) Metamorphic rocks grow
d) Sedimentary rocks are formed

What happens when a strong storm hits a dormant volcano.
a) Metamorphic rocks are formed
b) Igneous rock break down
c) Sedimentary rocks are formed
d) Erosion

What is one of the fluxes of the Rock Cycle
a) Weathering
b) desalination
c) evaporation
d) transpiration

What crust forms folded Mountains
a) Divergent boundary
b) Convergent boundary
c) Continent to continent
d) transform boundary

What causes tsunamis
a) Earthquakes near a plate boundary
b) Volcanoes in the ocean
c) earthquakes in the ocean
d) Divergent boundaries moving

How are volcanoes formed
a) earthquakes in the ocean
b) oceanic and continental plates diverging
c) continental and continental plates on a transform boundary
d) oceanic and continental plates converging

Why is the carbon cycle so important
a) It helps plants grow
b) It is an insects source of energy
c) All living things need it to live
d) it is a state of matter

What does organic mean
a) Atoms that contain life
b) Particles that have carbon
c) molecules that have gone through lithification
d) compounds that are moving

Which is a flux of the carbon cycle
a) Weathering
b) Respiration
c) lithification
d) transpiration

which is not a sink of the carbon cycle
a) Burning fossil fuels
b) Biosphere
c) soil
d) rocks

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