Integumentary System Part 3 Question Preview (ID: 50043)

Skin Appendages, Burns, Melanoma. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of these IS NOT a cause of burns.
a) Smart remark
b) Electricity
c) Chemicals
d) UV Light

What does the C stand for in the ABCD's of recognizing melanoma?
a) Spot varies in color
b) Spot has an irregular border
c) The two sides of the spot don't match
d) The spot is larger than 6 millimeters

Which type of sweat glands produce the watery perspiration that cools the body?
a) Eccrine
b) Endocrine
c) Apocrine
d) Sebaceous

Which class of burn is characterized by general redness of the skin?
a) 1st Degree
b) 2nd Degree
c) 3rd Degree
d) -273 Degrees

Why might a 3rd Degree burn be insensitive to pain?
a) The pain receptors have been destroyed.
b) Because you're tough!
c) Endorphins block all pain.
d) There are no pain receptors in skin.

What is the function of the sweat released by the Apocrine Sweat Glands?
a) Get rid of waste
b) Cool the body
c) Absorb nutrients
d) Cause us to smell

Which class of burn involves a high risk of infection and dehydration?
a) 3rd Degree
b) 1st Degree
c) 2nd Degree
d) Bachelors Degree

The oily substance that keeps our hair and skin moist.
a) Sebum
b) Synovial fluid
c) Serous fluid
d) YooHoo

What Rules are used to determine the percentage of the body affected by a burn?
a) Rule of Nines
b) Rule of Tens
c) Rule of Threes
d) Rule of Thumb

What effects would you see occurring if your arrector pili muscle contracted?
a) Goose bumps/Hair stands up
b) Skin turns red
c) Loss of body heat
d) Wrinkles

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