Galiyas History 9 - Chapter 14 Test (A) Question Preview (ID: 50041)

Galiyas History 9 - Chapter 14 Test (A). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

To ensure that all nations would have access to China’s markets, President McKinley and Secretary of State John Hay pursued which of the following policies?
a) dollar diplomacy
b) imperialism
c) Open Door policy
d) the Roosevelt Corollary

In the late 1890s, Russia, Germany, France, and Britain demanded “leaseholds” in China that would give each country
a) an advantage over the United States.
b) a market for Chinese goods.
c) a protectorate in Asia.
d) a sphere of influence in China.

Today, the Philippines are an
a) American commonwealth.
b) American protectorate.
c) independent country.
d) unincorporated territory.

The United States gained control over the Philippines as a result of
a) dollar diplomacy.
b) the Open Door policy.
c) the Pan-American conference.
d) the Spanish-American War.

After the Spanish-American War, Congress gradually allowed Puerto Ricans greater self-government, and in 1917 it
a) allowed Puerto Ricans to elect their own governor.
b) granted Puerto Ricans U.S. citizenship.
c) granted statehood to Puerto Rico.
d) recognized Puerto Rico as an independent nation.

Under the Treaty of Paris, the United States acquired the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and
a) Cuba.
b) Guam.
c) Panama.
d) Samoa.

Which of the following statements best describes the effectiveness of the Spanish military during the Spanish-American War?
a) The Spanish fleet was effective, but Spanish soldiers were ill-prepared.
b) The Spanish military was ill-prepared and ineffective.
c) The Spanish military was prepared for battle and very effective.
d) Spanish soldiers were highly effective, but the Spanish fleet was not prepared.

On May 1, 1898, Commodore George Dewey led his squadron into Manila Bay in
a) Cuba.
b) Hawaii.
c) the Philippines.
d) Spain.

In 1898 U.S. President William McKinley faced strong pressure to go to war against Spain, including public anger over the explosion of the USS Maine and
a) calls for assistance from Cuban rebels.
b) jingoism within the Republican Party.
c) panic among Americans in Cuba.
d) war fever within the U.S. military.

Spanish General Valeriano Weyler herded hundreds of thousands of rural Cubans into “reconcentration camps” in order to
a) damage American investments in Cuba.
b) encourage American intervention in Cuba.
c) exterminate Cuban rebel forces.
d) prevent them from aiding Cuban rebels.

a) 1
b) 1
c) 1
d) 1

Cuban rebels rose up against the Spanish in 1895, when Cuba was
a) an American protectorate.
b) in financial distress.
c) granted autonomy by Spain.
d) a U.S. trading partner.

Until 1886, about one-third of the population of Cuba was
a) enslaved.
b) from England.
c) from the United States.
d) part of the Spanish military.

a) 1
b) 1
c) 1
d) 1

When an imperial power allowed a territory to remain technically independent, with local rulers remaining in control, the territory was called
a) a colony.
b) a protectorate.
c) a state.
d) an unincorporated territory.

As the United States industrialized, many Americans concluded that the nation needed new overseas markets to
a) compete with Latin American nations.
b) keep its economy strong.
c) protect its overseas investments.
d) provide inexpensive labor.

a) 1
b) 1
c) 1
d) 1

On July 3, 1898, American warships in Santiago Harbor
a) caused the Spanish to panic and flee.
b) destroyed every vessel in the Spanish fleet.
c) fought the Spanish fleet to a standstill.
d) secured the surrender of the Spanish forces.

President Roosevelt believed that having a canal through Central America would save time and money for commercial and military shipping and
a) was necessary for maintaining influence in Asia.
b) was vital to U.S. power in the world.
c) would benefit the people of Central America.
d) would establish a new market for U.S. goods.

In addition to economic motives, many Americans supported overseas expansion because they believed that
a) American military might should be unrivaled in the world.
b) European imperialism threatened to harm less-developed nations in Asia and Africa.
c) the nation was destined to expand overseas and spread its civilization to others.
d) the United States had much to learn from less-developed nations.

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