VS.4de Review 2 Question Preview (ID: 50031)

Everday Life Of Virginia Colony And Its Economy. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Farmer Tim used the supplies the shopkeeper gave to him and the goal of using his harvest to pay for the supplies. This is an example of ______.
a) money
b) barter
c) debt
d) credit

Which statement is true about the economy of Virginia?
a) There were no banks in the colony of Virginia
b) Virginia colonists never use barter
c) Virginia colonists always used money to get the goods and services they needed
d) Credit was not often used in the Virginia colony

Which is an example of a human resource?
a) hammer
b) lumber
c) tobacco
d) Plantation owner

Most Virginians lived in _______.
a) four bedroom house with indoor plumbing
b) longhouses
c) huge plantation
d) one-room houses with a dirt floor

What do the free African Americans and white Virginians have in common?
a) They could only labor in the fields growing tobacco
b) They both have to right to own property and businesses
c) They both had the right to vote
d) They both had the right to hold public office

What is the best example of a cash crop?
a) English colonist grew tobacco to sell to England
b) English colonists traded tobacco with the Native Americans
c) English colonists grew tobacco to pay back at a later time
d) English colonists grew tobacco for their personal use

What are some of the few rights allowed for free African Americans?
a) They had the right to be president
b) They had to right to own property and businesses
c) They had the right to vote
d) They had to hold public office

Which is an example of a capital resource?
a) water, wind, soil
b) saw, hammer, needles
c) farmer, enslaved worker, blacksmith
d) screw, hammer, sunlight

Which of people in colonial Virginia have limited (few) rights?
a) enslaved African Americans
b) White Virginians
c) free African Americans
d) Asians Americans

Which group had no rights in colonial Virginia?
a) enslaved African Americans
b) free African Americans
c) White Virginians
d) Asians Americans

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