Integumentary System Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 50020)

Dermis And Epidermis. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The protein that gives the skin a waterproof quality, as well as forming the hair and nails.
a) Keratin
b) Melanin
c) Elastin
d) Carrigan

Which layer of the skin is referred to as the True Skin because it contains most of the skin's accessories/appendages?
a) Dermis
b) Epidermis
c) Hypodermis
d) Hyperdermis

The tiny bumps in the dermis that give the skin grip, as well as forming the fingerprints.
a) Dermal Papillae
b) Melanocytes
c) Taste Buds
d) Sebum

The epidermis is Avascular, meaning it....
a) Has on blood vessels
b) Can't reproduce/regenerate
c) Can't regulate body temperature
d) Isn't living

What is the body's largest organ?
a) Skin
b) Liver
c) Brain
d) Large Intestine

What type of light does melanin absorb?
a) UV Light
b) White Light
c) infrared Light
d) Stop Light

Which type of connective tissue is the Dermis primarily composed of?
a) Fibrous
b) Cartilage
c) Blood
d) Loose

What term refers to the layer of fat located below the dermis?
a) Hypodermis
b) Epidermis
c) Peritoneum
d) Pleura

Which of these does the skin NOT protect the body from?
a) Ignorance
b) Microorganisms
c) Dehydration
d) Hypothermia

As you age, you lose collagen and elastic fibers, as well as store less fat. The combination of the factors results in...
a) Wrinkles
b) Death
c) Pericarditis
d) Sunburn

What percent of your body weight is skin?
a) 15-16%
b) 28-29%
c) 44-45%
d) 98-99%

Which of these IS NOT one of the 4 types of receptors located in the dermis?
a) Taste
b) Pain
c) Temperature
d) Pressure

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