Sponges Question Preview (ID: 50011)

Animals And Sponges. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Animals with radial symmetry
a) live on land
b) are very efficient
c) never move
d) live in water

The five Kingdoms of life include bacteria, protista, fungi, plant and
a) protozoan
b) mold
c) animalia
d) invertebrates

All animal body structures are arranged in this way from simple to complex
a) cell, organ, tissue, system
b) cell, system, organ, tissue
c) cell, tissue, organ, system
d) tissue, cell, organ, system

Specialized cells that use flagella to move a steady current of water through a sponge
a) spicules
b) collar cells
c) archaeocytes
d) cnidocytes

sexual reproduction
a) one parent
b) two parent
c) budding
d) binary fission

Unlike plants, sponges are
a) heterotrophic
b) unicellular
c) autotrophic
d) move about freely

Sponges benefit some marine animals by
a) providing a habitat
b) eating diseased coral
c) poisoning predators
d) supplying oxygen for other organisms

A sponge has this type of body plan
a) radial
b) bi-lateral
c) asymmetrical
d) branching

The phylum of sponges is Porifera because
a) it is alive
b) it is covered with pores
c) it has collar cells
d) it is a filter feeder

The second part of a Scientific name is its
a) kingdom
b) phylum
c) genus
d) species

sponge fertilization is
a) internal
b) external
c) non-existent
d) not important

Sexual reproduction in sponges occurs after
a) egg cells float to sperm in another sponge
b) conjugation
c) external fertilization
d) sperm from one sponge floats into eggs inside another sponge

Asexual reproduction in sponges occurs by
a) a) a. conjugation
b) b) b. budding
c) c) c. a and b are correct
d) d) d. none are correct

What is the function of collar cells?
a) a) pass nutrients to other cells
b) b) create water currents that pass through the sponge
c) d) reproduction
d) c) protection

Because sponges stay in one place all there lives and feed off of food particles in the water they are called
a) autotrophs
b) filter feeders
c) heterotrophs
d) producers

If an invertebrate has gills, it most likely
a) lives in water
b) is an amphibian
c) is a fish
d) is extinct

97% of animals are
a) heterotrophs
b) invertebrates
c) vertebrates
d) unicellular

Two basic types of symmetry are
a) asymmetrical and bi-lateral
b) bi-lateral and radial
c) radial and asymmetrical
d) bi-lateral and rope

Which of the following is a member the phylum Platyhelminthes?
a) leech
b) tapeworm
c) earthworm
d) sponge

Which of the following phyla does NOT have a complete, one-way digestive tract with a mouth and an anus?
a) Rotifera
b) Platyhelminthes
c) Nematoda
d) Nemertea

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