Male Reproduction System Question Preview (ID: 49999)

Male Reproduction. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is sperm
a) Male sex cell
b) microscopic
c) produced in the testicles
d) All of the above

What is the function of the scrotum
a) Sack that protects the testicles
b) Keeps the sperm cool
c) Keeps the sperm hot
d) Both 1 and 2

What is the Epididymis
a) Tube that the sperm travels
b) Adds sugar to the sperm
c) Where the sperm grow and mature
d) Adds acid to the sperm

What is the Function of the Prostate Gland
a) Adds Sugar to the sperm
b) Adds Acid to the sperm
c) Adds milky fluid to mix with the sperm
d) None of the above

What is the Glans
a) Male sex cell
b) Removal of the foreskin
c) Bladder
d) Head of the Penis

What is the function of the Seminal Vesicle?
a) Adds Acid to the sperm
b) Epididymis
c) Add sugar to the sperm
d) Cowpers Gland

What is the removal of the foreskin
a) Scrotum
b) Sperm
c) Circumcision
d) Vas Deferens

What is the function of the penis
a) Female sex organ
b) For urination
c) Male sex organ
d) Both 2 and 3

What is Testosterone
a) A drug
b) Adds acid to sperm
c) Male sex hormone
d) In the Cowpers Gland

Vas Deferens
a) Tube that sperm travels
b) Adds sugar to the sperm
c) Circumcision
d) Cowpers Gland

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