Roaring Twenties Vocabulary-#2-2021 Question Preview (ID: 49992)

Roaring Twenties. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Different human races competed for survival just as different plants and animals did in the natural world
a) Eugenics
b) Survivor Instinct
c) Social Darwinism
d) Human Race

A form of music popularized during the Harlem Renaissance
a) Jazz
b) Rock-n-Roll
c) Blues
d) Country Western

The general awakening of African American culture; sought to bring recognition to the African American community
a) The Great Migration
b) Jazz Music
c) Harlem Renaissance
d) The Migration North

A belief that the human race could be improved by breeding. It was supposed that superior parents would have even better children.
a) Eugenics
b) Social Darwinism
c) Klu Klux Klan
d) Human Gene Research

After the communist revolution in the Soviet Union, many Americans feared this was the start of their own communist revolution in the United States
a) Russian Revolution
b) Red Scare
c) Palmer Raids
d) Labor Union Strikes

He introduced the assembly line, increasing production of cars and other manufacturing goods
a) Thomas Edison
b) Alexander Grahm Bell
c) Henry Ford
d) Glenn Curtis

Banned the sale and manufacturing of alcohol
a) 17th Amendment
b) 16 Amendment
c) 18th Amendment
d) 19th Amendment

A section of New York City where songwriting and musical ideas mixed together to form American popular music
a) Harlem
b) Bronx Music Publishing
c) Music Row Publishing
d) Tin Pan Alley

These women demonstrated economic independence and became more assertive. They smoked and drank in public, wore restrictive clothing, had short and choppy hair, and wore makeup.
a) Flapper
b) Beat Generation
c) Factory Workers
d) Women Suffrage

A science vs. religion case during the 1920s that involved teaching evolution in schools
a) Sacco and Vanzetti
b) Wisconsin v Yoder
c) Modern Views v Traditional Views
d) Scopes Monkey Trial

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